SuiteWorld 2013: NetSuite brings cloud tools to manufacturing sector

Posted on October 24, 2013 at 10:32 am

SAN JOSE: NetSuite has updated its manufacturing offering to offer a set of features for companies producing goods that want embrace the benefits of operating in the cloud.

The update to the NetSuite for Manufacturing Edition includes a number of key features designed primarily for manufacturers in a evolution from its existing products that were designed for firms working with manufactureres.

NetSuite chief executive Zach Nelson claimed that “manufacturing is the final industry to come to the cloud” and that the functionalities on offer, such as standard costs, work-in-process tracking and routings, will all help make it easier for firms to operate online.

In particular, he said new manufacturing processes set to revolutionise the industry will ramp up the demand for cloud-hosted tools.

“We’ve had this product in development in stealth mode for about two years and there’s a sea change coming in manufacturing. Not everything will be outsourced anymore. You’ll see people coming back onshore driven by new capabilities like 3D printing,” said Nelson.

“Every company is becoming a cloud company and the cloud is going to transform how manufacturers operate. We are getting to the market place at the right time with the right product.”

As part of this announcement NetSuite also announced an integration with CAD manufacturing firm Autodesk, between Netsuite’s ERP services and Autodesk’s Product Life Management (PLM) service PLM 360, as design services also move to the cloud.

This is designed to help customers run their design, manufacturing and sales channels through a single portal as well as integrating customer feedback and internal social tools, such as Netsuite’s own SuiteSocial.

“It’s a pure web base environment – this is something dramatically different from anything done before in the PLM world,” added Autodesk’s senior vice president of manufacturing Buzz Kross, speaking at the event.

Posted in Cloud Hosting