Software AG launches cloud app development platform with social components

Posted on October 26, 2013 at 1:06 pm

Software AG has launched Live, a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) suite that will allow application developers to easily create and deploy agile and cloud-based software.

The platform’s core component, AgileApps Live, is available now and allows developers to build applications that can instantly be deployed on mobile devices and that come with pre-built integration across social networks.

AgileApps Live is the same technology the firm acquired from its purchase of online app platform LongJump in April. Darren Roos, Software AG chief operating officer, told V3 that the LongJump application had not been altered since the acquisition, but had just been rebranded as the AgileApps Live component.

“Developers these days need to easily be able to integrate business applications they create with any social network, whether it be Twitter or LinkedIn, or an internal social network. LongJump does all of those things natively. So an application developer could create an order application that would quickly respond to customers on Twitter about delays in their orders,” said Roos.

Roos said other applications that developers could create using Software AG Live include loan applications or HR onboarding applications. “The suite will be useful in any instance a business needs to quickly deploy an application. Developers can take data from existing business systems and create agile apps within days. There is no code writing involved, just configuration,” he added.

Another component of the Live suite is the Process Live collaboration platform, which will allow developers in different departments and locations to easily work together on business process modelling. This capability will be available in the coming months.

“For Process Live, we are using the technology we acquired with the IDS Scheer acquisition in 2009. ARIS was the company’s core product and allows developers to model processes when designing business processes applications. Now a developer in Sydney could easily work with a developer in London and discuss whether to add in particular stops to the model, such as whether to link to data in an SAP app,” said Roos.

Roos said while Software AG allows developers to easily automate business process models on-premise, this capability would not be offered in the Software AG Live release. “We’ll introduce this in the future but there are technology reasons why this automation capability is not available in the cloud yet,” said Roos.

Additionally an Integration Live component of Software AG Live will allow developers to integrate cloud-based software with other cloud software, or with private cloud or on-premise installations, such as SAP or Salesforce applications.

Finally, Roos said Software AG would be announcing Dynamic Cloud Scaling later this year, which will allow Software AG Live customers to easily scale applications they develop. “So when application usage peaks, we can offer them more cloud to take that extra load,” he said.

Posted in Cloud Hosting