Salesforce unveils Service Cloud Mobile for iPhone, iPad and Android with chat and touch tools

Posted on April 7, 2013 at 6:17 pm

Salesforce has launched a mobile edition of its Service Cloud application with features including chat, co-browsing, communities and touch interfaces for both iOS and Android devices, including the Kindle.

Service Cloud Mobile will help businesses improve the mobile services they offer customers, by giving businesses the ability to interact with their customers in real time, giving answers to customer queries instantly.

“We are doubling down on mobile this year,” Salesforce innovation director Charlie Richey told V3. “This announcement is the launch pad [for] a number of mobile announcements that will follow.

“This isn’t just saying Service Cloud is mobile as we have had mobile capabilities on the Service Cloud before. This is about customer satisfaction and improving customer experiences.”

“Everyone looks first to receive customer service on the mobile devices they carry around with them. We believe they should not have to be on hold, and should not have to look for answers on social networks.”

The co-browsing technology available with Service Cloud Mobile will allow customer service agents to deliver guided assistance to customers on mobile devices via any web browser. Customers may need such assistance when performing complex transactions or trying to set up accounts or resolve issues.

Meanwhile, Service Cloud mobile chat will allow customers to instantly interact with live service agents to quickly resolve issues as they happen, said Salesforce.

A communities feature will allow businesses to provide a single destination for customers needing answers to questions via peers or company experts.

Additionally Salesforce said Service Cloud Touch will allow service agents to easily manage and resolve customer cases on the go with an Amazon Kindle, Android device, iPad or iPhone.

The cloud giant said the release builds on the success of Salesforce Touch, which brings Salesforce Sales Cloud to mobile devices, and the Salesforce Touch Platform, which allows developers to write custom mobile applications once and then deploy them to any device.

One customer that has used Service Cloud Mobile in beta is New Jersey’s public transportation organisation NJ Transit. It said it is now able to give travellers real-time information about their journeys.

However, Richey told V3 that Salesforce had no UK customers using the Mobile Service Cloud in beta that he could reference.

Posted in Cloud Hosting