Cloud computing experts will draw up fair use policies for business customers and vendors

Posted on February 13, 2014 at 9:41 am

The European Commission (EC) has issued a call for self-proclaimed cloud computing experts to help it draw up fairer terms in how cloud services are offered to consumers and businesses.

The EC wants to ensure that businesses and citizens can benefit from cloud computing given its enormous economic potential to the region, but it fears one-sided contracts are putting off too many from embracing such services.

Now, the EC wants those that consider themselves experts on the subject to come forward and help draft terms that will be fairer and clearer for all those in the industry to abide by when using cloud tools.

“Contract law is an important part of our cloud computing strategy. Making full use of the cloud could deliver 2.5 million extra jobs in Europe, and add around one percent a year to EU GDP by 2020,” said vice president Viviane Reding, the EU’s Justice Commissioner.

“Uncertainty around cloud computing contracts may hinder cross-border trade. As this is a very complex area, we are asking experts for advice before we decide on the next steps.”

The EC expects the experts to come from across industry such as cloud services providers, consumers and small firms, academia and legal professionals. They will work on the Cloud Computing Strategy previously launched by the EC in 2012. Those interested should register on the EC’s tender page.

While cloud computing is a key part of the EC’s digital push, its strategy on the matter has been heavily criticised in the past by other bodies within the organisation, claiming it lacks direction and is not bold enough at making Europe a ‘cloud-active’ region.

Posted in Cloud Hosting