Cisco boosts cloud computing chops with SolveDirect buy

Posted on May 29, 2013 at 5:15 pm

Cisco has moved to boost its cloud computing offerings by purchasing an Austrian firm SolveDirect that provides tools to join and manage disparate IT systems together in a single system.

The firm announced the deal on Monday and said that it would help it further boost its offering to customers by enabling it to keep pace with the changing face of enterprise IT management.

“The move towards multi-sourcing and cloud services is accelerating the development of large ecosystems of companies – from enterprise IT and manufacturing, to SaaS providers – that need to share data in a secure and scalable way,” wrote Hilton Romanski, vice president of corporate business development.

“SolveDirect’s cloud-based solutions offer enterprises and service providers a flexible way to integrate with service partners, and automate sharing of processes, data, and workflows in real-time by eliminating manual practices and bottlenecks, driving significant operational efficiencies.”

On its website SolveDirect boasts of having over 200 customers using its product to bring all their IT systems into one single cloud-based management portal.

“The SolveDirect acquisition provides customers, vendors and partners an automated – “connect once, connect to all” – way to exchange data and work flows to improve economies of scale as the ecosystem grows,” the firm said on its website confirming the deal.

“Combining Cisco’s existing support ecosystem of customers, partners and resellers with SolveDirect’s real-time cloud-based architecture, will help solve the need for smart and connected IT services.”

Financial details of the deal were not disclosed but the firm will acquire all the firm’s shares and executive leadership and is expected to close by the fourth quarter of 2013.

Posted in Cloud Hosting