Amazon pegged for set-top box release

Posted on August 15, 2013 at 9:44 am

Amazon is reportedly working to develop a set-top box which would allow the company to serve users with streaming video.

Bloomberg cited company sources in reporting that the firm was working on a branded device which would allow users to access its video streaming services.

The report did not mention what possible services Amazon could offer with the device in addition to its own streaming video platforms. The company currently offers its video player software on a number of home entertainment devices and gaming consoles.

Amazon has given no official word on the development or possible release of the device.

Such a launch could however, put Amazon in direct competition with the biggest names in the home entertainment market. Apple offers its own video services through Apple TV, while the Sony Playstation, Microsoft Xbox and Nintendo Wii brands also offer support for streaming services including Netflix and Amazon’s own video player.

Outside of the gaming consoles, home entertainment boxes have yet to truly catch on in the market. Apple’s TV box has long been an afterthought in the company’s hardware line, and dedicated streaming boxes such as the Roku player have only begun their mission to crack the consumer video market.

The move could also mark another step by Amazon to transition itself from a web-based retailer and service provider to a hardware vendor and home entertainment heavyweight.

In addition to multi-billion dollar retail service and AWS enterprise operations, the company has built a name for itself in the tablet space with the success of its Kindle tablet line.

Posted in Cloud Hosting