IBM set to open cloud platforms

Posted on April 17, 2013 at 12:07 pm

IBM said that it would be transitioning all of its enterprise cloud computing software and service lines to open platforms.

The company said that it would be offering a full range of cloud platforms which would be based on the OpenStack model and would better enable companies to customise and build their own cloud computing deployments.

The rollout will be lead with the release of the SmartCloud Orchestrator tool. The management platform will allow businesses and developers to synch components from multiple cloud services into a single offering.

IBM hopes that the tool will speed up the time needed to construct new cloud platforms by providing developers with a simplified method for constructing the interfaces for cloud computing services

The release is the first in what IBM promises will be a larger line of cloud computing products and services which will be based on open source technology platforms. Big Blue hopes that its efforts will mimic the success of other open platforms in the enterprise space.

Just as standards and open source revolutionized the Web and Linux, they will also have a tremendous impact on cloud computing. IBM has been at the forefront of championing standards and open source for years, and we are doing it again for cloud computing,” said IBM senior vice president of software Robert LeBlanc.

“The winner here will be customers, who will not find themselves locked into any one vendor, but be free to choose the best platform based on the best set of capabilities that meet their needs.”

The release also marks a new episode in IBM’s cloud computing efforts. The company in recent weeks unveiled a promising new 100Gbit/s interconnect platform which could expand the potential market for high-performance cloud computing platforms.

Posted in Cloud Hosting