Cloud computing themed V3 tablet app issue goes live

Posted on October 2, 2013 at 7:29 pm

The May issue of the V3 Tablet App is now available for download for the iPad via the Apple App Store, with this edition focusing on cloud computing and its impact on the world of enterprise IT.

You can get your hands on it by simply registering free on the V3 website and using your login details to download the issue when prompted. And best of all, there’s no charge for the app if you’re a V3 subscriber.

This issue includes an in-depth feature on OpenStack based on an interview with Rackspace chief technology officer John Engates, discussing why he believes the technology is posing a serious threat to the likes of VMware in the cloud space.

Looking to the past, and the IT history section focuses on the instrumental role the Hotmail email service played in helping the world embrace the concept of cloud computing by making us comfortable with accessing services through the web.

Elsewhere, we spoke exclusively to the chief operating officer of HP, Bill Veghte, to discuss the future strategies for HP as it seeks to haul itself out of the mire that has blighted the company over the past few years.

After the huge outpouring of love for Windows XP after its one-year support cut-off date passed, we also assess some of the options open to firms considering life beyond the platform in our top 10 section.

Lastly, but by no means least, there’s the head-to-head review the world has been waiting for: the iPhone 5 against the Samsung Galaxy S4. We compare both phones based on a number of criteria to see which deserves the smartphone crown – you’ll have to download it to find out the winner.

As if all this wasn’t enough, there’s also the usual mix of our news analysis from the past month, a light-hearted look at some of the more silly stories that hit the headlines and views from our maverick guest CEO writer – all delivered in a rich, interactive format.

You can get the issue free if you have registered on the V3 website. Registering is free and only takes two minutes. Simply use the same website login details to get the app when prompted to download it.

Posted in Cloud Hosting