iYogi launches cloud CRM service for remote PC support

Posted on September 4, 2013 at 6:45 pm

Remote support specialist iYogi is launching a cloud computing platform designed to let companies and service providers deliver their own remote management services.

The company said that its Digital Services Cloud customer relationship management (CRM) offering would allow customers to utilise the iYogi support network in their own services. Based on the Yogi support network, the service will allow enterprise and home service providers to offer in-house branded support for end-user PCs.

Larry Gordon, iYogi president of global channel sales, told V3 that the cloud service is a response to demand the company has seen from its partners to open up various components of the iYogi support network, which utilises a combination on locally-installed software and a remote support network to allow technicians to diagnose and repair systems through the cloud.

“The platform we run our comp on has been improving over the last five years,” Gordon explained.

“Some customers want to just buy that for less.”

Though Digital Services Cloud will technically be part of a cloud CRM space dominated by Salesforce.com, the company hopes that the service will become a more specialised platform, fine-tuned specifically for the process of remotely managing PC maintenance. Service providers would be able to increase revenues by offering their support services using the iYogi platform and network.

“What we layer on top of that is this enormous knowledge base built on particular analysis of what tech support is,” Gordon said.

“It layers in that entire layer of big data we have collected on how to monitor these technology problems.”

The company also plans to remain flexible with its pricing. Gordon said that in addition to the traditional cloud subscription offering, customers can opt to purchase access to platform with a one-time fee or pay based on number of users or a portion of the revenues they draw from their own deployments.

Posted in Cloud Hosting