OpenStack posts ‘Grizzly’ update

Posted on June 26, 2013 at 8:07 am

OpenStack has posted the seventh update for its cloud computing platform.

Dubbed ‘Grizzly’ the update will contain key updates in storage, computing and management. The company said that the release includes content from some 500 contributors.

“This release, more than any before it, was driven by users who have been running OpenStack in production for the past year (or more) and have asked for broader support for the compute, storage, and networking technologies they trust and even greater scale and ease of operations,” said OpenStack co-founder Mark Collier.

Among the features included in the update will be the addition of a NoDB database management component, which keeps data in a system’s memory and reduces queries to a main database.

The open cloud platform’s dashboard component has also been updated, bringing new interface options for both end users and administrators.

Collier noted that OpenStack Grizzly includes new APIs to allow cloud deployments to offer load balancing as a service for network management. The release will also bring new drivers for a number of networking appliances and protocols.

Storage was also a focus of the update. The Grizzly release brings drivers for HP, IBM, EMC and NetApp clusters as well as components which will allow for quotas to be set on object storage.

Administrators and developers can obtain further information and source code for Grizzly through the OpenStack site.

The release of Grizzly comes as OpenStack continues to gain backing from many of the biggest names in the industry. IBM recently announced that it will use the platform to power new cloud services, while long-time backer RackSpace unveiled new services to be based on the platform.

Posted in Cloud Hosting